Saturday, October 3, 2009

Millions of More-ish Morsels....

NY is THE city of food. The presence of it is as ubiquitous as the Yellow Cab. Its cuisine is truly global and the variations range from pepperoni pizza pie and pastrami bagels to delicate dimsum and dirty martinis. Food is to New Yaawkers as Mecca is to Islam. The thousands of shrines dedicated to food make New York the perfect city for food-crawling, though I suspect that to taste it in its entirety would be a life-time occupation. We have no life-time, we have only 8 weeks (actually now 6 and counting) but are most willing to have a good crack at tasting nonetheless. NY is perfect fort Steve and I, it' s a playground where we get to experience the only thing we have in common.... our love of FOOD!!!

The first thing we have learned about eating in NY is that it is nothing like eating in London. London is not the kind of city where you can just decide on a whim to pop out for dinner and not know where you are going. Eating out in London without careful research is a very dangerous sport. We have become quite anal about our dining out in the capital and before we go anywhere countless hours are spend mulling over and cross-referencing guides to good grub. London is unforgiving to the novice "mistake making"eater. If you are not careful you will get 6/10 food for 10/10 prices. In fact there is not a masive difference in price when it comes to quality- and it is easy to end up to paying a lot of money for bad food as it is for good food. NY is quite the opposite. Steve and I being total food-obsessives have bought a number of good food guides for the city.... and it seems that no matter what we choose we just cant get it wrong. I am not exaggerating when i say that I am eating the "The BEST OF" a lot of things I have eaten in my life ( can't be that hard when you live at McDonalds right?) Wherever we go, whatever we eat... we are pleasantly surprised and I seem to be gobbling up goodies at a rate unbecoming of a lady, or of a man for that matter.

What is also very exciting is the number of green markets dispersed all over the city. New York state is obviously a rich and fertile land and we are treated daily to fresh (and I must be boring and say organic) produce grown on neighbouring farms. It is quite a treat to wander down to the market in Union Square and let the plethora of sumptuous food guide my decisions on what to make for dinner. Being so spoilt for choice (and probably because I have nothing else to do) makes dinner preparations positively thrilling. PRAISE TO THE FOOD OF NEW YORK!!

Amazing places to shop and eat are:

Union Square Market (mid-town Manhattan)

and an indoor market with some outstanding bakeries and a fantastic fish shop:

our local wine spot:

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